Our Story


About Us

we are a plant from NorthCreek Church in Walnut Creek, CA.

Our story actually began in 1956 when a group of faithful believers began meeting at the Women’s Club in downtown Walnut Creek. Eventually they planted what is now called NorthCreek Church in the middle of a walnut orchard, way out at the end of Ygnacio Valley Road.

Like every church that has been around for a while, NorthCreek has gone through many different seasons. Over the past two decades, the Lord has seen fit to bring NorthCreek to place of strength and stability through the faithful preaching and teaching of the Word. The leadership recognized that it was time to use NorthCreek’s resources to multiply gospel ministry in the Bay Area. In January 2021, Pastor Kent preached a sermon from Exodus setting forth a vision for regional church-planting.

For years, the leaders had noticed that there were many people driving to NorthCreek from the Tri-Valley to attend Sunday worship services and seek help through Biblical counseling. In the spring of 2022, after much prayer and research, the Elders announced the plan to plant a new church in Livermore.

Our first interest meeting was held in September, 2023, and an interest group was formed. The plan was to begin having Bible study in the Tri-Valley in order to to build a core team.

But where could we meet? In God’s providence, we connected with Ridgeview Hope Church in Pleasanton, a church that NorthCreek had actually planted over 50 years ago! Ridgeview shared a vision for a new church in Livermore and warmly invited us to meet in their building. We are so thankful for their hospitality!

In October 2023, a group of NorthCreek members from the Tri-Valley began meeting at Ridgeview to pray and discuss what it would look like to plant a church. Beginning in January 2024, the group met every Thursday to study Ephesians and invite others who might be interested. The team began to grow!

In May 2024, we moved our Thursday meetings to Good Morning Maxwell in the heart of downtown Livermore and prayed that the Lord would lead people to our meetings. The Lord answered many prayers, and people began to join us from the community. It was time to start thinking about Sundays!

Again, in God’s clear providence, we connected with Granada Baptist Church in Livermore. The leaders at Granada generously offered to share their facility with us on Sunday mornings.

We were commissioned and sent out from NorthCreek on August 11, 2024. Since then, we have been meeting at Granada on Sundays in preparation for our launch!

By God’s grace, we were formally established as a church on September 8, 2024 and we will hold our first public service on September 15, 2024.

Our prayer is that God will use us to reach the lost and equip the saints in the Tri-Valley as we partner with other faithful churches. Looking to the future with expectation, we would love to be a part of seeing churches planted in the growing communities of Tracy and Mountain House.