We have moved!
join us at our new location!
Robert Livermore Community Center | 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550 | Service at 9:30am
Committed to the Word
For God's Glory in Christ
Our Mission
at gospel community Church, we exist to glorify god in Christ by building his church upward, outward and together.
We Build Upward
In likeness to Christ as we speak the truth to one another in love.
We Build outward
In the salvation of people as we proclaim the gospel to our community.
We Build together
In unity as we know, love and care for one another because of Christ.
Join us on sundays
We would love to meet you!
a plant from Northcreek church
We are a new church in the Tri-Valley, that launched in September of 2024. Come and see what God is doing!
What kind of church are we?
5 Biblical Distinctives
These are 5 important things we believe in that affect the way we operate as a church
We are committed to the authority, inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. Because of this, we preach sequentially through whole books of the Bible so that God is truly the one who sets the agenda. Each week we are looking for God's main point and purpose in the passage.
We are committed to the sufficiency of Scripture, believing that the Bible tells us everything we need to know in order to properly respond to our circumstances and live godly lives. We help people discover what the Bible says about their specific problems.
Worship is not an experience, but a joyful, heartfelt response to truth about God. We are committed to singing songs that are focused on God and rich in Biblical truth.
We believe the Bible teaches that men and women are equal in dignity and worth but have different, complementary roles and responsibilities in the family and the church. At Gospel Community, we see Biblical complementarianism as a beautiful thing, and we honor the God-given roles and callings of men and women.
The Doctrines of Grace celebrate God's sovereign work in salvation from beginning to end. People are born spiritually dead and unable to save themselves. Because of this, God must be the One to initiate and completes the work of salvation. At Gospel Community we say, "God did the work, He gets the credit."
4 Core Values
These are 4 important things we are committed to practice and pursue as a church
The joyful, heartfelt response of the individual believer to the surpassing greatness and worth of God.
Involves believers willingly and wholeheartedly sacrificing personal comfort, resources, and even their lives if necessary, to proclaim the gospel and advance the kingdom of God.
The God-given bond of love and care that binds family members together, reflecting the love and unity modeled within the body of Christ.
Equipping and empowering believers to faithfully proclaim and live out the gospel, resulting in the growth and expansion of God’s kingdom through the effective reproduction of disciples and ministries.
Join us
4444 East Avenue
Livermore, CA 94550
Service Time
Sunday: 9:30am